Friday, July 09, 2004

My apologies for the long silence. So much has happened in this short time that it will take days to catch you all up. I'll give you the highlights:

-My son graduated from Middle School and is now officially a High School Student.

-My daughter graduated from Elementary School and is now officially a Middle Schooler.

-My parents visited us from NY, mostly to attend the above named graduations. While here, they bought a second home (for "snow-birding").

-My son began his High School Sports career about a week after school ended. He is currently busy with basketball and football practice.

-My daughter began her summer sports schedule. She completed 3 weeks of basketball camp and will begin 3 weeks of volleyball shortly.

-We went to Iowa to celebrate my husband's grandparents' 70th wedding anniversary. We just returned on Tuesday.

-The week before we left for Iowa we bought a house. Really. We close escrow on Friday. (next Friday).

I have to go pick up my son from football practice now. I'm sorry to list and run. I certainly hope this post finds you all healthy and happy. I can't wait to catch up...


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