My apologies for the long silence. So much has happened in this short time that it will take days to catch you all up. I'll give you the highlights:
-My son graduated from Middle School and is now officially a High School Student.
-My daughter graduated from Elementary School and is now officially a Middle Schooler.
-My parents visited us from NY, mostly to attend the above named graduations. While here, they bought a second home (for "snow-birding").
-My son began his High School Sports career about a week after school ended. He is currently busy with basketball and football practice.
-My daughter began her summer sports schedule. She completed 3 weeks of basketball camp and will begin 3 weeks of volleyball shortly.
-We went to Iowa to celebrate my husband's grandparents' 70th wedding anniversary. We just returned on Tuesday.
-The week before we left for Iowa we bought a house. Really. We close escrow on Friday. (next Friday).
I have to go pick up my son from football practice now. I'm sorry to list and run. I certainly hope this post finds you all healthy and happy. I can't wait to catch up...
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