Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I read an interesting essay tonight.

Although a completely different context, the argument the writer makes sounds quite similar to discussions we have had about women in the church, women in leadership, women in general. Beth Keck's "Coma" series is related (in a second cousin once removed sort of way) -- and is also an interesting read.

The title quote draws me: "It's not discrimination that keeps women off the op-ed pages (replace "op-ed page" with any destination, place, job, ministry, goal ). It's the women themselves".

I have to agree.

What do you think?

Addendum: Hmmm. This one is a goodie, too.

I must admit I really love this statement:

"Sexism, which is what we are discussing here, often justifies itself by assuming that women don't want the thing that is being denied them. "

And the illustration that follows -- "Before Title IX, which opened up high school and college athletics to women, the common wisdom was that girls didn't like sports — girls weren't competitive, they were weak (remember girls basketball?), they didn't like to get sweaty and dirty, they feared being hurt, they were always getting their periods..."


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